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Damian Malczewski

Table of Contents


This website provides a summary of my after hours programming activities.


Below is the list of personal projects. Most of these were brought to life as a form of learning something new or as a proof of concept.


Emulator application for an IoT device working with LwM2M (based on project Leshan). Supports a bunch of LwM2M objects and provides a management WebUI, accessible on localhost. Requires a working installation of LwM2M server like Leshan Demo Server.

See the project’s repository.


A Java library implementing RFC7807. Integrates with Spring Boot to provide responses in form of application/problem+json documents.

  "type": "about:blank",
  "title": "Not Found",
  "status": 404,
  "detail": "User \"\" not found"

The library is available through Maven repository.

See the project’s repository.


A simple IoT device shadow application, powered by Spring Boot and RabbitMQ. Explores the flow of Device State Replica pattern of IoT communication over MQTT topics.

According to Google, silhouette is a synonym for the word shadow.

See the project’s repository.

Multi-tenant Articles

A simple application for exploring multi-tenancy concepts.

Application gives the users a personal space for writing articles (quite simple CRUD application). The application however is available from three different domains, each integrated with different Keycloak realm. This creates a multi-tenant environment, where each tenant has its own set of users and the application resources.

The most useful part of this project (and possibly reusable in the future) was creation of a multi-realm Keycloak installation, defined in docker-compose.yaml file.

See the project’s website.


A simple issue-tracker application, developed with Spring Boot and Angular frameworks at college.

See the project’s website.